Ok, so today is officially day two of Gavin's potty training. Well, I hate to say it..but I'm ready to give up. He has yet to tee-tee in the potty BUT we have come a long way. First, Gavin was afraid of the potty..."No Noooo Nooooooo!!" he would yell. But now we're at the point where he'll let me read him a book on the potty...but still NO tee-tee! I thought it would help for him to see his cousin Sawyer go tee-tee...but it hasn't. And I thought that his training pants would keep some of the tee-tee in...but he wet his bed after his nap today. And I knew he had to potty really bad before his nap..so I put him on the potty before hand...but still...no TEE-TEE. I'm ready for any help or tips that come my way! Please!!!
On another note we went to a really cook Pumpkin Patch yesterday in Flower Mound. It was free parking and free to get in. There were also free bouncy houses,hay-ride and a petting zoo. We had a great time! The only thing that cost were drinks/food BUT they were really reasonable. It was so much fun to go out in the pumpkin patch and pick our own pumpkin. I'll put some pics up here so you can see the great time we had!
For In That Sleep Of Death What Dreams May Come
7 months ago
Do you take him with you when you go potty? I kept a stack of books in the bathroom to help keep it fun for Gabby. I tried to bring her with me every time I had to go and right before bed. We would talk, sing and read. I just tried to make it as stress free as possible.
Also you may try going to Babies R Us they have these cool little potty targets for boys, maybe if dad shows him how fun it could be?
All kids are diffrent. My mom likes to tell how I got it just about the first day and how she thought Jess would never learn. They do it on their own time.
Ohhhh!! Matt just helped teach his nephew by taking him out back for a "nature" (read: pee on the fence) he thought it was so funny he wants to go all the time now.
I have no potty training advice as that is something I haven't even embarked on with Katy but I wish you the best.
The pumkin patch sounds like fun. I can't wait to see the pictures! =D
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