I haven't been on here in forever. Believe me, there have been several times that I've wanted to come on here and vent my heart out..but I just haven't had the strength. I'm exhausted. I'm just really exhausted. This is one of the busiest times in my life. Why, you ask? Well, I'm getting to the end of my school semester and my Anatomy teacher has squeezed 4 tests back to back, and not to mention 2 take home tests. I'm tired of Anatomy. To the point that I don't even want to become a nurse because I'm just sick of learning about the body. And can you believe I'm taking Anatomy 2 next semester? I just want to get it OVER. I'm telling myself that this is all going to pay off in the long run.
So Erik, Gavin, and I are going to get our XMAS pictures done this Sunday. I'm already expecting the rush because it's the weekend that everyone's going to get thier pics done too..just in time to send them out in Xmas cards. But I'm determined damnit. I'm going to get these done if my life depends on it..and its seeming that way thus far.
I am actually in a good mood today though. Manda, I'm wearing those booties that you got me for my birthday. It's freakin' freezing in my house, so I put on my booties and they're sooo warm, and comfy, and pretty....and pretty sounding (they have bells on the remember?) Gavin and Kenzie are having a kick out of them....I even turned on some Xmas music and started stomping around...Gavin and Kenzie were laughing with delight. Awww, kids are great.
Well anyways, I have to go study some more. New test on Saturday. I've been praying that we'll have a huge snow storm and then school will be closed on Saturday. Everyone pray with me!! Hope everyone's having a better week than me.
For In That Sleep Of Death What Dreams May Come
7 months ago
i'm sorry you're sick of anatomy. :( but the info will be useful when you're Nurse Stacy, and then you'll be thankful for it.
I'm glad everyone (lol) is enjoying your booties. :) They're really cute, and I've thought of getting some for myself, but I just haven't. I have a pattern, so I can knit some for myself, if I really want. *lol* :)
stay warm!
Oh honey! We are so proud of how hard you are working. I know it seems like crap right now but think of how swollen with pride you will be at the end when you can tell everyone you are living your dream. You will be a wonderful nurse and there isn't anyone in the world I would rather have at my bedside. Keep pushing on and I promise you it will be worth it in the end!
I love you tons!!!!! Remember you will always have your own personal cheering section here!!!!
*knock Knock KNOCK*
Any one home??
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