It's almost been a month since my last post. What's wrong with me?! I told Dina that I'm just not as interesting as everyone else to be able to blog every day. BUT I'm really going to try to post more often. I know that this is the best way to keep up with everyone and for them to keep up with me. So it's just been same ol' over here. I haven't started school yet so I'm actually kind of bored..and a little stress free. I start school in I'll probably be posting more on here..just so I can vent. Well anyways, I found out that I only have two classes left before I can apply to nursing school. I'm super excited about that..because MAYBE if I get accepted I'll be able to start school in the Fall. But if I don't..there's still plenty of classes I can take to go towards a bachelor's degree. So I've basically got everything planned out. Anyways, I miss Erik. He's in Utah and he's been gone since Thursday. It hasn't been that long and I'm really to busy during the day to miss him...but it's at night when I'm wanting him here the most. I just get in trouble because I watch scary movies..but I never actually got scared when he was here. So I've had to lay off of the scary movies until he comes back. But I do pick him up at the airport yay! Ok, well I better hit the hay...miss you guys!
For In That Sleep Of Death What Dreams May Come
7 months ago
Yay! I am so glad you posted!!! See..I told you you weren't boring! I miss you already!!!!!
Love you!
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