It's been quite a week for me over here. My English class started on Monday where I was suprised to find out that I needed to buy THREE books for this course. Can you believe that? Three books? Well I found them all at three different locations..but it took a lot of work and my professor was little to no help. Other than that I've still kept on my exercise regime. Right now I'm doing the elliptical for thirty minutes six days a week and I've been really trying to cut my portions down. I'm excited because weigh-in is tomorrow and I hope that I've lost. I've really been kickin' butt. Another thing I'm excited about is that mine and Erik's anniversary is Friday! We will have been together for six years! Can you believe it? So he's going to be taking me to my favorite Italian restaurant Maggiano's...and oh my gosh it's soo good! I won't be dieting that night needless to say. We're also going to the movies that night..(if we have time) and I have no clue what to go see...any suggestions? Well I hope everyone's having a great week and I'll let you know how our night went!
p.s. Thank you Dina and Katy for the sweet little Valentine's Day card..Gavin loved it!!
ugg comforter set
4 years ago
woo! rock on. :) keep it up! :D I LOVE Maggiano's. I've only been once (I got a gift card as a thank you from some co-workers when I was the receptionist), but it was AWESOME. :) Also, happy anniversary! ;)
Happy Anniversary to both of you!!! I can't believe it has been six years already. How time flys by!
Good luck in English class. I am wishing that I wouldn't have finished all mine first because I could use a break from the harder classes.
Give Mr. Gavino hugs from me! Love you!
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